Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Did you know that our First President was also an Architect?

Ir. Soekarno was Indonesia's first president who is also known as an architect. He had been a student majoring in civil engineering at the Technische Hoge School (now ITB) until graduation in 1925.
with Ir. Anwari, he established a bureau engineer in 1926 and designed many buildings.Then with Ir. Rooseno designing and building homes and other buildings. when he was exiled to Bengkulu by the Dutch, he took time to design buildings, homes and jami mosque 'in Bengkulu.
During his time as president, Bung Karno's works influenced the style of architecture in Indonesia. Marathon journey in 1956 to countries such as USA, Canada, Italy, West Germany, and Switzerland provide inspiration Bung Karno in managing Indonesia's holistic and display it as a newly independent State. Jakarta was Soekarno’s target as face of  Indonesia because  several international events are often held in the city, but also to plan a city from the beginning which is expected as the central government in the future. Some works are influenced by Sukarno or the command and coordination with several architects such as Frederich Silaban and RM Soedarsono, assisted by some junior architect for visualization.
And here's a few designs that belie arsitekrural Bung Karno mind
§ Istiqlal Mosque in 1951
§ National Monument in 1960
§ Building Conefo
§ Building Sarinah
§ Wisma Nusantara
§ Hotel Indonesia in 1962 
§ Welcome Monument
§ West Irian Freedom Monument
§ Statue of Aerospace
§ In 1955 Ir. Sukarno's pilgrimage to the Holy Land and moved to contribute to the architectural ideas in order to make the government of Saudi Arabia to perform sa'i building into two lines in the building of two floors. The Saudi Arabian government doing a renovation of the Grand Mosque on a large scale in 1966, including the manufacture of floor-rise for the people who implement sa'i into two paths and terraced floors to perform tawaf 
§ Draft Spatial Palangkaraya scheme which was inaugurated in 1957 

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