Kamis, 23 Februari 2012


Today in our country, more than 65% of total people living in Indonesia are under the poverty line, and the others have good enough finance. There are some factors why thus people got unlucky life.
The first factor is low education, moreover there are some people can not read and write. That why they can not get good job. Most of them are working as the singer street, scavenger, and road side seller.
The second factor is lack of employment, many person be a jobless, so they can not sufficient their needs.
And the last factor is lack of goverment attention, the goverment more give the attention for high class or the rich person, they never search the solution to decrease poverty.
The poverty can cause criminal acts, the people who can not sufficient their needs encourage them making criminality in order to fulfill their needs.
The goverment must be respect of it.

Created By :
Henny Farida

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