Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Japanese Algae Crystal Mushroom

Now many people are not aware of the benefits of plants that have great benefits for their health. even many people still prefer to buy and consume drugs that have a high price. but there are many traditional ways that are more affordable and healthy. like one of them is the crystal properties of algae Japanese mushrooms.

Actually, as the producer of Japanese algae crystal water kefir is alive and comes from the Caucasus Mountains of Georgia. Japanese algae as well as crystal-producing O2. from other sources which I get, the population in the Caucasus to know the efficacy of this Japanese algae crystal and had drunk water from a crystal soaked Japanese algae from childhood, and therefore at this Japanese algae growing crystals can be long-lived population, can be reached age of 110 years. 

There are many benefits of this Japanese algae crystal mushrooms can cure asthma, respiratory problems, liver disease, biliary disorders, bladder disease, and most serious diseases.
How to maintain this Japanese algae crystal:
1. Put about 3 tablespoons of instant tea Japanese algae in a container (such as pitcher / moci) plastic and input into the refrigerator should not put in the frozen section. Give 1 liter of drinking water, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 7 pieces of dried raisins has been washed and does not contain sulfur / sulfur, let stand overnight.2. The next day pour the soaking water was crystal Japanese algae into plastic bottles / glasses. Filter with a plastic filter for its crystal-netted Japanese algae, washing with water and insert into the container that had been washed clean.3. Give another 2 teaspoons of sugar in the last 7 raisins. Add 1 liter of drinking water a new one, then save it again. . . and so on. Tip: when changing the water, put a few drops of water immersion also crystal Japanese algae that are ready to drink.4. Japanese crystal water algae that has been poured in the bottle / glass ready to be drunk as a medicine.5. Replace dried raisins once a week.6. Without the provision of sugar and raisins and the use of metal containers to make it crystal Japanese algae die.

that is so easy to use the mushroom, right!! let's try it.. .^_^

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