Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

The Champion of ELIN Cup Futsal

The Champion of ELIN Cup Futsal
            1 D3 ELIN B is the amazing class.The boys and girls in 1 D3 ELIN B is nice,very pleasure and always compacted.I’m glad to be one of them.The best moment I couldn’t forget with my friends is when my class is get through to final match of ELIN Cup Futsal.I’m the one of the futsal player.The compacted of my class was proved when the final ELIN Cup.All of my friends that aren’t be player in 1 D3 ELIN B futsat team come to red field to see the final match.Somebody are taking an empty gallon of water,camera,even one of them are taking a pump trumpet like a real supporter.All of them are singing yell to supporting us.Finally,we can beating our enemy,2 D3 ELIN  B with score 1-0.That’s amazing.One moment that make us more compacted.

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