Senin, 26 Maret 2012

The Indonesian National Monument (MONAS)

Figure 1 . MONAS (Monumen Nasional / National Monument Of Indonesia)

Indonesia is a country that located in south east asia, and the capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta that located in one of some big island that is Java Island. Indonesia is a tropical country and has more than 17.000 island. Indonesia is a rich country because Indonesia has so many natural resources that speared in all Indonesia area from Sabang (west side of Indonesia) until Merauke (east side of Indonesia). Indonesia  get independent day in 17 August 1945, before Indonesia be independent there are more than one country that colonized Indonesia for example Netherland, England, Japan, Spain and so on. And Indonesia get independent by get battle with the colonizer. That is that make Indonesia different with another country that get independent day by prize from the colonizer.
To remember all Indonesian patriot struggle the Indonesian goverment develop a monument that located in Jakarta, that monument is MONAS (Monumen Nasional / National Monument), Monas located in central of Jakarta and its near with the Indonesian President palace (Merdeka Palace). Monas is a wonderful building and save so much Indonesian strory. Monas also be the main icon of Jakarta and Indonesia and as the symbol of prosperity of Indonesian. If we go to Monas we should go to the top of monas on that posistion we can see the beautiful scenery of all side of Jakarta. In the top of monas we can find the telescope and we can use it to see the scenery of Jakarta. In the top of monas there is a big gold that like a fire. The size is so big and so beautiful.

Figure 2 . The gold in the top of Monas
This gold that make Indonesian so proud to this monument and be the symbol of Indonesian prosperity. In the night monas be more beautiful than in the noon, because all part of monas will shine and the gold in the top of monas will shine  and be like a truly fire in top of the monument

Figure 3 . Monas in the night
Indonesia truly is the paradise of the world..... INDONESIA know it LOVE it....

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