Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Town of Madiun

Town of Madiun
Town of madiun is noisy and busy, but not like in Surabaya. This town is clean, because the town people is cleaning the rubbish everyday. The street, sidewalk, ang garden town and around of building is clean. The weather in madiun is windy but not cold, and can’t be predicted. In Madiun town there are old buildings as estate company, most of buildings in this town has modern style.
In the afternoon, the high building is sleek. Most of the building is made from brick and stone. In madiun town there are three big mall, it is sri ratu plaza, matahari plaza, and timbul jaya plaza, and many more another but not so as big as  matahari. In the town thre is an Alun-alun madiun, it is wide and green. The people like to take a walk in there. In the town there are many little shop that sell pecel rise. Pecel rise is very popular in madiun, in every place on town behind the street, there are many little shop that sell pecel.
In madiun town, there are companies like PT. INKA, PT. Sepatu Alvero, PT. baja and many more the other. In madiun town there is a carve of elephant. At night, madiun town is bright with lamp of town in every street. So the condition in madiun town is so beautiful and fun at night. Especially Saturday at  night.

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