Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

The Demonstration of Increasing Fuel Price

       The issue of increasing fuel price is really appalling many kind of reaction to Indonesian people.Any kind of reaction expressed by people to responding the issue.Most of them do not agreewith the increasing of fuel price which is scheduled on 1 april 2012.Many demonstration has been helding all over the country.TV news program “REDAKSI” in Trans7 on 26th of March 2012 showing one of the worst demonstrations in the past of year by combination of students and street children.They are not only march in front of government offices,they also destroy and loot some fuel station.Not only just that,they also damage the truck of Coca-cola and loot it.Moreover,LPG Tank truck carrying 13 kg of gas didn’t escape from their actions.It’s the sad thing that happened on earth that “ Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi”.A noble aim,but the action in a way that not noble

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