Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

                     X, Y , Z  Factor!!

There are some different in drawing using auto CAD now (in my feeling), because last time ,at the first semester I have try to draw with auto Cad but at that time , I just draw from the line to others line with out observe the X Y and Z factor, or in generally we named that as Coordinate , ha ha turn out to be, really-really felt different, which if we used or observe with X y Z factor, we can make the picture in really-really 3D, because Tat the first semester ago, we were drawing just in Apparent 3D, not the real 3Dimension, , , , , ,
so , I hope from now , if you are want to draw with auto Cad , make sure if you observe with X Y Z factor,
Good luck

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