Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


Android is a platform for mobile phone,  or a software that using principle of computer code and distributed open source. User can install some application to their smartphone and user can change some application that not to be needed, and user can get new application or software from android market. Android generated by 34 hardware, software, and telecommunication company like google, intel, qualcomm, motorolla, Nvidia, T-mobile and ect.
Android have some version, and each version have code name, that code name taked by some food on restaurant. The first version of android is “cupcake” it was android version 1.5, and the next version are like alfabeth. And the next are “donut”, “éclair”, “froyo”, “gingerbread”, “honeycomb”, “ice cream sandwitch”(ICS), and what is the next version…?

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