Minggu, 22 April 2012


                      On Sunday morning (2012-04-22) I had be invited by my friend to join fun bike event that presented by PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera).This event is for launching cycling club of PKS,which name is like the name of Party,PKS (Pancal Klub Sejahtera).This cycling club is made for comemorate 14th PKS anniversary.
            All of the participant come together in Surya Park,in front of Government office.Before all of the participant start,the commite distributed coupon.At 6.00 a.m. fun bike begun.Fun bike route is Surya Park-Panglima Sudirman-Urip Sumoharjo-Kartini-Mayjen Sungkono-Surabaya Zoo and then turn to Darmo and stopped in Bungkul Park.In Bungkul Park the commite has prepared small green pea drink for all of the participant.A few time ago the commite begin to draw lot and notify people who entitled accepted consolation prize and door prize.But,this day isn’t my lucky day.All of the coupon number that had been reading by the commite no one is my coupon number.But is no problem for me.Door prize is not important,healthy and fun is more important.At least this activity is for relaxation while tired of study activity and assignment to make me feel fun and no stress.


When I will go home,I met one of PENS Lecturer that also hold a positon as founder of Islamic Campus Organisation UKKI,his name is Mr. Didik Setyo Purnomo, ST,.M.Eng.I do not supposed that we will met in there,because in the same time activity like this is also held in ITS.
When I go home,me and my friend pass the pecel resto in Gayungsari street.My friend invited me to take a rest and breakfast in pecel resto.And then we breakfast in pecel resto.After we finished breakfast,obvious my food has paid by my friend.Alhamdulillah,.......
I think it is enough,I hope it will be motivated us to more active doing sport.

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