Minggu, 22 April 2012

Important, Apply this tips for driving when rain

Although  in short time again is dry season, but the rain some times are come with out expected,it can be a problems when we are driven, so that we must more alert to anticipate that condition! For minimalize  the possibility of accident.

There are several tips that you should consider to watch out for the possibility of getting stuck when driving rain

a.       Check all of part on your car especially  it can affect to your car

b.       Don’t for get  to bring  torch light, safety box,fuse, water and air pump

c.     Turn on the front light of your car, because it can be  a signal from another vehicle in           front  of you

d.       .Don’t  brake suddenly, it is very dangerous, it can make your car is loss control

e.        Don’t  change transmission quickly, it is same with ‘d’, it is very dangerous .

f.           Recognize and avoid puddles. It could be a pool of it due to pit road.

g.     When encountering flooded,  slowly. Or, search for other road alternatives if known         high flood already over the limit under the door of the car than the vehicle broke down.

h.     Mud could make the wheel sets and skid. Therefore, the use of one or two teeth and    slowly melajulah while on the muddy ground.

Ok, I think that tips can be a solution when we are getting stuck when driving rain

good luck!!

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