Minggu, 22 April 2012

HIstory of "keyboard"

Did you ever asked, why the arrangement of letters in a typewriter keyboard,computer, PDA up to us in the form of "QWERTYUIOP" and so on? Why not be any sequence such as "ABCDEFGH" and so on? Maybe some of you already know the story, but in case not already know i will tell you 

long time ago, the keyboard has been created since 1860an by Sholes and Dunsmore. Originally they were made ​​sequentially in alphabetical order. However, gradually with increasing the ability of (custom) user, typing speed becomes faster when the mechanism of the engine while it is still simple. As a result, (linegiven to the frequent traffic jams and hinder the work.

based on their experience, eventually drafted a keyboard made ​​deliberately complicated and inefficient so that the keyboard is not easy JAMMED. Typewriter design was then sold to the Remington to be mass produced in 1873. The arrangement is divided into four rows, the top line of "23456789 -" second line"QWE.TYIUOP", third line "XDFGHJKLM", and the bottom line "AX & CVBN?; R".

over time, the rapidly evolving technologies and issues that often get stuck keyboard key has been overcome with better mechanical design. A number of alternative keyboard designs also come on the market. One that is quite popularis the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard (DSK) made by August Dvorak in 1936. The design is claimed to be a design more efficient, faster, and ergonomic.

QWERTY actually have many drawbacks such as making your left hand overload, especially when writing in English . QWERTY also make your pinkie overload. Research shows that the uneven distribution of the letter so that your fingers have to cross over from line to line - when measured finger typists will typically run more than 20 miles each day compared with the DSK is only 1 mile.

unfortunately, people still refuse to turn away from the design of "QWERTY"although the design is not the best design. Even if technology can solve the keyproblem of jamming, people stick with the design of "QWERTY" design instead ofa more superior. Instead, the QWERTY instead crowned the international standard in 1966.

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