Minggu, 22 April 2012

About me

My name is Yudhi Mulyo Nugroho. Usually, people called me Yudhi. I was born in Surabaya 20 years ago. I’m student of Industrial Engineering in Electronic  Engeenering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya. Actually, I’m not good in English. I don’t habitually write and speak English. But my English teacher gave us duty to posting some articles in blog of our class in every 2 weeks. I think it’s gonna be hard for me. But, I was already known that this duty is good for me, and also for us,1 D3 B class. It will help me to learning English effectively. Thanks Mr. Rizal Kuddah, I’ll try don’t to dissapointed you.

**I’m sorry sir,this is actually my first entry,but apparently not in the list.So, I’m resending

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