Minggu, 22 April 2012

My Mosquito Circuit (M2C)

I hava a circuit which i call My Mosquito Circuit (M2C). I think it is a so simple circuit because it doesn't need expensive cost to make it. Just about five thousand, we can get it. This circuit almost same with flip flop circuit. And, way of working of this circuit also same with flip flop. But, the difference only on the output. The M2C has a frequency output, while flipflop has a light of led output. So, the M2C can produce frequency of  5 KHz that can repel female mosquitos, because of female mosquitos dislike vote of male mosquito except during the breeding season. Moreover, this circuit just need voltage of 1,5 volt or can use with dry battery. I think it is intersting way to frugal and environmentally friendly substitue mosquito coil. So, let's try it guys.. !! :D

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