Minggu, 01 April 2012

Playing Domino and Lose Five Times in a Row. How Can??

That was a Tuesday nights when my friend, Erfan became the most stupid boy in the roadside UNAIR Campus C. Because he was lose playing domino five times in a row. There is no one else can do that thing. Only Erfan can do that, with his ignorance he can do anything stupid. There was seven boys that be the witness. There was me, Yudha, Kocin, Eko, Vicky, Bima and Didin. Four boys were play domino, Erfan, Bima, Eko and Didin. Yudha, Kocin and me were just drink a coffee and look how were our friends playing. And Vicky spend his time with sleep and sleep. In the first game, Erfan was lose immediately. And Eko was the next loser. But, after that, the record was made by Erfan, He was lose five times in a row. Every boys in there only can laugh to see that fool. Until the end, no one can brake that record. And Erfan was be the champion of the Tuesday nights domino in UNAIR Campus C. Maybe Erfan must learn to pedicab driver in Pasuruan. Because the pedicab driver in Pasuruan are the best in playing domino.

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