Minggu, 22 April 2012

go to bromo

on Friday 20th April 2012, i and my friends go to bromo... i so happy i can go there because this is the first time i go to bromo.. we depart from surabaya at 03.00 p.m and arrive in pasuruan at 05.00 p.m . . we break at one friend's house in pasuruan, we break until 12.00 p.m, and we go to bromo at 01.00 a.m Saturday.. The journey takes 2 hours from pasuruan to bromo, the road in the bromo is  bad and climbing. In Bromo we pay the ticket Rp.6000. in bromo, the atmosphere is so cold and make ours hands frozen.  after we arrive in panjanjakan we buy some tea to warm ours body, after that we go to the place that can make us see a sunrise and view of bromo mountain.. we waiting until an hours to see the sunrise. when the sun is coming a lot of people stand up and get picture from the sunrise, because the sunrise is beautiful. I am so proud to Indonesia, Indonesia have a good place to make the tourist come and enjoy the view.. in bromo a lot of tourist is coming, they just coming to see sunrise from top of bromo..

the sunrise

ours picture ....

Jogja is the next guys...

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