Minggu, 22 April 2012

Original Dance Probolinggo District


Glipang dance is a folk dance that is part of the traditional arts district Probolinggo. Dance Glipang (Gholiban) is carried by her great-grandfather of Probolinggo named Seno, or better known Sari Truno of the Village District Omben Sampang Madura Madura.Sari Truno bring the mask to apply in the Village Pendil."It was very agamis.Masyarakat Pendil villagers denied any such Madura mask. Because they have such great musical gamelan.Sehingga my grandfather changed it to sports Raudlah meaning, ". 
First dance as if soldiering or commonly called the Dance Glipang Gait. Gait Glipang dance depicts Sari Truno dissatisfaction to the Dutch colonists. Of a sense of dissatisfaction that eventually lead to a big breath. Gait Glipang dance is well known internationally and has been getting some charter award.
"Dance Glipang Gait had a top 10 nationally in 1995. It also never came to the Presidential Palace in Jakarta as much as 5 times including the time to welcome the President of Cambodia and President of Pakistan. I've also been invited to the Jakarta Anniversary of the Independence of RI-39.

Second, the reception dance that has meaning meeting someone after a long separation. "It was illustrated with Damarwulan Anjasmara meeting. Which time it was sent to kill Minakjinggo Damarwulan. Damarwulan finally succeeded with the assistance of two wives Minakjinggo. But before meeting Anjasmara, Prevent by Damarwulan at Layang Layang Seto and Besuki Kumitir in the Region.
Third, the dance line that describes the Majapahit soldiers who marched to know the area of East Java. "It was the Majapahit soldiers marching in the area to find the Java Jabung Timur.Awalnya dance originated from the clown, comedian, and then turned into folklore

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