Minggu, 22 April 2012

Do not let your Local Disk C laptop full

Do not let your Local Disk C laptop full

Just share experiences. I will tell you my experience about the PC / laptop. Being interested in the appearance of skin pack laptop desktop of my friends, yesterday I tried to installed a skin pack is on my laptop. But the Skin pack of my friends are not suitable for my laptop so that it looks incomplete, only partially changed. So I took the initiative to download the skin pack which perfect for my laptop. After finished downloading skin pack, I installed it without mengunistal skin pack skin pack the old one. After finished the install, my  laptop will be restat, but after loading my laptop not turn on and the LCD display only black. I try to shut down and turned out just the same again. In my mind that there is a problem in the software. I going to my town in Madiun and installing the laptop to my father's friend, and my dad's friend said that Local Disk C is full so not powerful laptop to turn on. That problems can be overcome then the laptop must reinstall windows.  Local Disk C  full also affects the execution speed of the laptop. That's a some of my experience may be useful.

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