Selasa, 24 April 2012

How to Maintain and Improve Stamina

In the daily activities do not doubt that stamina is of paramount importance in conducting any activity. So also a sportsman, for example on the futsal game. Stamina is the most important thing in making a good game of futsal and beautiful. Because of the stamina that awake the mind to think clearly and quickly in the process, the legs will feel light so it will move faster, and the Agency will move quickly so do not be lazy in finding and keeping a ball or a duel with an opponent. So how to maintain and improve stamina? 

First: Drink lots of plain water in daily life because it will dilute the blood when the water is absorbed by the body so that oxygen is absorbed much any more cells.

Second: Change bad habits, like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. This will reduce the capture of oxygen by the lungs.

Third: Do not often sleep at night or staying up late will get tired quickly because cells do not have enough hours of rest.

Fourth: Eat nutritious food, not too many carbohydrates. Will cause a lot of sugar and not too much but just often eat alone.

Fifth: Adequate rest and take vitamins or supplements that are suitable and can help you.

Six: Eat one ripe banana fruit of any kind. Because many vitamins and stamina enhancer.

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