Rabu, 18 April 2012

grumpy and the difficult child

Grumpy and the Difficult Child Set It For Her mother Stress During Pregnancy

Jakarta, mother's stress during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children unruly and irritable. This is because of stress hormones in the mother's uterus that affect children's mental.
  A study of thousands of babies from the womb of the mother until the age of school, found that stress hormones in the womb may increase the likelihood of children having attention deficit disorder, known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and lack of self control.
  Alina Rodriguez of the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London conducted a study of 1,700 mothers and children. The study found that mothers who are depressed during pregnancy were twice as likely to have children with behavior problems.
  Children are exposed to stress in utero were also more likely to suffer from ADHD and other emotional problems. As a result, children will find it difficult to get along with his friends.
  "Pregnant women need to relax and free your mind of all the problems that would make it stressful. Support from the husband and the people around you while pregnant will make you feel better," Rodriguez said as quoted from india.com, Tuesday (17/4 / 2012). The study was presented at the annual conference of the British Psychological Society in Glasgow, UK.

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