Minggu, 01 April 2012

The Fact

okay I'll tell you about the real story because the story below is not a fact ..

One day we went to Unair c because they want to relax for a coffee .. In our atmosphere that is me, Hafids, Kocin and Yudha playing dominoes. It really was at the beginning of the game in a row I lost. but only at the beginning of it .. in the middle of the game we took turns losing. At the end of the game there are only two people who lost the Hafids and Kocin. They are the Pasuruan men. They take turns shuffling of dominoes until the game is completed.

And in a few weeks ago, we went to the same place but with a lot more people are Eko, Yudha, Hafids, Bima, Vicky, Kocin, Didin, and me. It's the fact that the Eko rating defeats the player with the most. Since I only lost at the beginning of the 3 times. Eko almost the entire game to lose. Until then I forgot how to shuffle the dominoes. Who play dominoes at the time was me, Bima, Didin, Eko .. Because at that time people did not dare Pasuruan despite playing cards playing cards.

so it is clear that the use ingenuity instead of imagination. Believe it

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