Minggu, 01 April 2012

Solar Cell

Solar Cell
        in this situation like this year 2012, the needed of energy will be increase. So we must get another alternative energy to solve it. We know that BBM price was increase around Rp 6.000,-, we need some much money to using transportation that using fuel BBM.There is a little solution to decrease that problems, It is solar cell energy. We can use it to supply lectricity and using it to become fuel in the future in electric vehicle. the solar cell will be install on the top of electric vehicle and save that DC power from solar cell in accumulator. So we must charge accumulator under sunlight until full charge.
         I think it was good idea, but from that solution we still have another problem, that are, the price of solar cell is very high, and Indonesian people still can't make it by theirself, so we buy solar cell from America that the curs of dolar is still high. beside that, the energy which produced by solar cell just alittle, just because the surface area is small, if we want to increase energy from solar cell we will need width solar cell.
         I hope that university of Indonesia can develop the research about solar cell, so we can make solar cell. And if it happens, I sure that Indonesia will go a head.

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